Yes Way

Yes Way

i made it! Today marks my one year anniversary of sobriety and i’m psyched. When i look at the wonderful changes that have taken place in my life since one year ago today, i’m amazed. i had no idea i could feel so optimistic about the future!

Happy Anniversary

Thinking about it all day today, i think the single most important change in my life is not something that’s mentioned in the AA Promises. Believe it or not, thanks to my recovery, i am able to love better.

Back in my previous, drinking life, i was continuously obsessed over what i was drinking, when i was drinking, when i could drink again, when i couldn’t drink again because i knew i wouldn’t be able to stop once i’d started, why had i drunk again because i felt like crap with a hangover i wanted to die from, how i had embarrassed myself when drinking, what excuses to make to my family and friends over why i’d drunk again, should i go on the wagon again and if so when and for how long and how long would it take for people to cut me some slack so i could drink again without feeling guilt a trip from them, just myself…

All this took an astonishing amount of mental and physical energy. Now that i don’t have to spend every waking minute calculating the costs of my binges, i’m free–totally free!–to spend this care and attention on others. i’m not perfect yet, but i’m able to give more love than i would have if i were dead, and i’m giving more love than i have in 30 years.

i’m off to a good, fresh start.

Good Lovin'? No, BETTER Lovin'!

About Al K Hall

Like a battered drinker or a punch drunk boxer, i am here for another round. For those of you who don’t know me, i’m a semi-professional writer on the rocks and a non-practicing alcoholic (if after 30 years of practicing, you still can't do something well, it's best to just give it up). For those of you who do know me, thanks for stopping by anyway and where’s the ten bucks you owe me? Welcome to my Bar None. A hole in the wall where we can hang out and trade the kind of stories you swap only when you’ve had one too many and either can’t find your way home or are afraid to. Hell, it’s cheaper than therapy and plus the pictures are prettier. Here we’ll crack open bottles and jokes and ‘last call’ are the only dirty words you’ll never hear. Pull up a stool and make yourselves at home.

Posted on January 11, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. On a phone g swimming. Just had to say Like because yes way struck me Just Right-on!!

  2. Congrats on your anniversary. Reaching a year is a great accomplishment; however, the progress you have made in sobriety is even more noteworthy than the time. Keep it up, you are in inspiration to many.

    • Wow, Moderation! Thanks so much for this wonderful comment. It honestly touched me.

      i don’t know about how far i’ve come because i can only go as fast as i can, but i’m happy others are able to see the progress i feel.

      i’m flattered and a little daunted about inspiring… The credit is not due me, i tried to control things for decades and it led me to a suicide attempt, but to others, to the program, and Higher Powers, whoever / whatever they may be.

      Thanks again for your support, Moderation, and keep coming back,

      Al K Hall

  3. CONGRATULATIONS Al K Hall! I am in awe and although I just recently discovered you and your blog I’m filled with pride on your behalf!

    I wish you all the best on this fresh and good start and to a continued journey on Sobriety Road!

    • River!

      Thank you so much for your support, my friend! Thank you for your wishes and i look forward to walking the road of recovery with you and our other readers!

      Keep coming back,

      Al K Hall

  4. YAY YAY YAY YAYAAAAA! I knew this had to be a GREAT post! AWESOME!!!!! Oh my goodness … i can feel the positivity in your words. Yes f-ing way! Yes indeed. I am so looking forward to your future as well. I bet your wife is SOOOOO proud and happy. ‘specially since you are a better man: A man who gives his love! You are free from that bitch alcohol. LIVE LONG AND WELL my FRIEND! So psyched!!! melis

  5. Where DO you find these pics???

    • I just asked Al the same thing when I saw them, lol!! He told me it was just in random searches for key words and on a couple of sites he regularly visits. Crazy stuff. Al has a knack for finding pics, that’s for sure!

  6. Happy Soberversary, my dear. I’m so glad that sobriety found you. How exhausting the other way of life sounds when you tally it the way you did up there!

    “i’m able to give more love than i would have if i were dead…”

    LOL. Yup, there’s that, huh! I’m so glad that there was a happy ending and new beginning in your life story. Here’s to continuing to write chapters where the story only gets better and better. I am proud of your progress so far. Keep up the good work.

    TOO FUNNY! I just Googled “Nofing Way” because I kept saying to myself, “That looks so much like the state where I used to live!” Sure enough, it is! North and west of where I went to university. 🙂 Reminds me of a neighborhood where my mom and stepdad and I lived for a time. Looked just like that place.

    100-year-old smokin’ granny up there is a hoot, too. Makes me want to smoke, though, haha.

    Congratulations, again.
    The Missus

    • Hi Angel!

      Thank you for your support and helping me make it so far! i’m looking forward to this coming year and all the years after it, where we explore all the benefits sobriety can bring.

      Keep coming back!

      Al K Hall

  7. Yes way indeed. Happy birthday and congrats. You are an inspiration to this newbie. Best to you in the future.

    • Hi Working On it!

      You just made me realize that at the Newcomers Meeting where i got sober, that i’m no longer considered a Newbie! i still feel like one, to be sure. i’m still not used to being called an inspiration, but i certainly don’t mind talking about how grateful i am to AA and sharing all the benefits sobriety has brought me. If that makes me an inspiration, blame it on my Higher Power, lol.

      Keep coming back,

      Al K Hall

      • I’ll credit your HP rather than blame :). I’m on day 14 and being able to do that has nothing to do with me so I thank my HP every day. Was going to try 30 days and moderate, but I’m now leaning toward total sobriety. I feel so much better, like a new person. Look forward to more of your posts.



    (Does anyone know where the f*ing Infinity key is on a Mac????)

    Like x infinity.

    I am with the Mrs.:

    “i’m able to give more love than i would have if i were dead…”

    THAT is Recovery!


    • Thanks, Jen!

      Blogs and comments like yours make it so much easier for people like me to work the program!

      Thank you for your inspiration and keep coming back!

      Al K Hall

  9. Congrats Al! Awesome job!

  10. Congratulations, Al! One year is incredible and no freaking joke! Thank God that the whole deal is “one day at a time” and before you now it, those days become a year. Nice work.

  11. Oh Al. Congratulations to you.

    • Thanks Bats!

      It’s amazing to me when i look back on my life before and my life today… i can’t believe i’m in a place where i have the strength, energy and desire to make myself happy!

      Keep coming back,

      Al K Hall

  12. AL,

    Here it is buddy;

    The Candle Lighter Award! You got Light my friend!

    see this post for details:


    Peace, Jen

    • Jen!

      Thanks so much for yet another award! i’m such a trophy whore, you know me!

      Seriously, thank you so much for thinking of me when it came to attributing the awards.

      Keep coming back,

      Al K Hall

  1. Pingback: Rollercoaster life « Rockdweller's Blog

  2. Pingback: Al is Celebrating One Year of Sobriety; HUZZAH! « Step On A Crack…Or Break Your Mother's Back

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